Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Are we the ones who lead? #edcmooc

Technology is something created by humans. Every kind of technological advancement has been there for the betterment of our lives. However, humans, being the fragile and gullible beings that we are, have let it sweep us away and at some point, we fell in love with it and lost ourselves.
First, the radio made music available to everyone everywhere, as well as gave raise to people's voice. It was easier and quicker to learn the news while listening to a radio news program, so there was no real reason to keep reading the paper for information, or books for entertainment. Reading slowly became entertainment for the romantics.
Then, TV emerged and the radio was slightly pushed aside, as it combined sound and picture. People accepted the device warmingly, but they started spending more time at home watching shows rather than meet. Huge masses preferred chatting on the phone while watching their favourite programs, thinking they can combine the two successfully. Human actual contact started to diminish.
Afterwards, technology took a huge leap forward and the PC became part of every household, workplace etc. etc.. As a result, people up until now, have had access to, literally almost everything in the world. We can find any kind of information we request, meet new people, promote ourselves, our work, our talents, we can receive education. This is the "shiny" part of it, though. There is a huge number of individuals, who have let themselves be swallowed by it almost completely. They live through social media, creating a virtual self while their real one is left, almost "rotten" on a chair in front of their laptop. They don't really care how they look, as they just meet online with the people they want. Self improvement is not in their future plans, as they can be whoever they want online. There are those who have become obsessed with their gaming and have died playing because they forget to eat or drink. There are those who walk the streets looking at their phone. The sad part is that the ones mentioned above are mostly young adolescents.Are we being led to a life of solitude at home while we create a rather busy virtual one?&lt
The way I see things, is simple. People have such potential, that it's up to us all to move things forward for the greater good, or lead ourselves to destruction. We are the ones who created all kinds of technology and the purpose for that was to make everyday life easier, so that we can enjoy it more! People with friends, with actual human contact, who choose to be life-long learners and keep an open mind are happier! If we use all things carefully, never forgetting what they are made for, we will achieve the perfect balance and we will certainly have a better quality of life!
Thank you for reading! Thoughts and comments are all welcome

Monday, 11 February 2013

#edcmooc Technology, a utopia turned into dystopia

The rapid development of tecnology throughout the ages has had one major target: to make our lives easier and help us walk towards the future with more knowledge, hence more power in our hands, more developed minds and more abilities. In my opinion, the huan is a creature full of potential that is still unknown. The advancement of technology has opened new doors, the rapid share of information worldwide has made us wiser and we live in a "global community". Although this is the good side of things, humans have used technology in a way that has turned them into lazier beings. There is a large number of us who cannot decide what to wear or eat without browsing our choices through the Internet... We buy things online without making the effort to go window-shopping just for the fun of it... We barely see our friends because we can all "meet up" in social media and our mobile phones have become an extension of our hands... Most of us report their current activities in social media as if it were something compulsory or something to triumph about... Anyway.. what troubles me is that, apart from the fact that education has made huge steps forward and people are gaining so much more. How are they going to use all that to their benefit? Or will they enslave themselves to it completely? Are they free? How does the human life, interaction and reality change through technology?....

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

teaching colours to pre-school children

Here is a fun link for teachers of English as a foreign languages. Children play and learn the colours, as well as build new vocabulary through pictures! Follow the link and have fun!!! http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/preschool/colors/colorgame.htm


Just a warm welcome to all of you who visit my blog! I hope you find the ideas I have and the links I include useful and inspiring!