Monday, 11 February 2013

#edcmooc Technology, a utopia turned into dystopia

The rapid development of tecnology throughout the ages has had one major target: to make our lives easier and help us walk towards the future with more knowledge, hence more power in our hands, more developed minds and more abilities. In my opinion, the huan is a creature full of potential that is still unknown. The advancement of technology has opened new doors, the rapid share of information worldwide has made us wiser and we live in a "global community". Although this is the good side of things, humans have used technology in a way that has turned them into lazier beings. There is a large number of us who cannot decide what to wear or eat without browsing our choices through the Internet... We buy things online without making the effort to go window-shopping just for the fun of it... We barely see our friends because we can all "meet up" in social media and our mobile phones have become an extension of our hands... Most of us report their current activities in social media as if it were something compulsory or something to triumph about... Anyway.. what troubles me is that, apart from the fact that education has made huge steps forward and people are gaining so much more. How are they going to use all that to their benefit? Or will they enslave themselves to it completely? Are they free? How does the human life, interaction and reality change through technology?....


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